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Alpin Endüstriyel Dağcılık Hizmetleri

ALPİN has been showing you how to turn a dream into reality by defying gravity on Earth since 2006. It offers solutions on performance and efficiency in hard-to-reach, high, dangerous and risky places with its expert personnel certified in industrial mountaineering.


With its superhuman talents, ALPİN develops solutions and services that will touch your business and life and improve your business and life every day in the construction, energy, industry, mining and service sectors. Thanks to ALPİN systems and services, you have the opportunity to benefit from innovative solutions with a world-class business expertise. You will benefit from faster, more efficient, flexible and aesthetic solutions by eliminating your needs such as mobile platforms, cranes and scaffolding.


ALPİN is doing your important works. It is fighting the toughest challenges with the most qualified technicians and the best systems. Every day we strive to contribute to our capabilities and development and develop superior products and services. Thus, today ALPİN has been Turkey's most preferred rope access company.



Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) - Global University Entrepreneur Competition 2013 - First Place in Social Impact Category.

JCI Creative Young Entrepreneur Award (CYEA) - Creative Young Entrepreneur Award 2012 - Third Prize.

Organized by İzgörenAkın Educational Institution; 2011 Marmara Management Meeting - 2012 BilFest



  • Our main philosophy as Alpin; To be a symbol of reliability, continuity, impartiality and dignity for our customers.

  • To ensure the adoption and continuity of the TS EN ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System.

  • To be a preferred company in the sector, fulfilling all legal requirements in the domestic and international markets, by working with a satisfaction-oriented approach to all our domestic and foreign customers.

  • To progress towards continuous improvement with all our employees and suppliers and thus to adopt a service understanding of superior quality and value.

  • The resources that nature has given us generously; To use it prudently and sparingly.


10 Years of Industry Experience

+520 National Project

8 Overseas Projects

+140 Happy Customer

2 Awards in various fields

+2200 Height Working Certificate

SPRAT Member for 5 Years

+9 Different Sectors Support

You can download the file below to your computer to access the complete list of our references.


İletişime Geçin

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